We Are Community for the week of Jan 11th, 2021, by Joyce Steiner


You all know by now that I read a lot.  Mostly I read for pleasure but sometimes I read about things that interest me like Chuck Yeager or the Space Race.  Because I was a physics and math major, I did not take a lot of English classes and thus missed reading a lot of the “classics”.  Not sure if that is good or bad!

Got a copy of Steinbeck’s book “Of Mice and Men” for Christmas  and as it was short  sat down and read it.  I knew Steinbeck was not noted for writing ‘feel good’ stories but this one is “dark”. The story takes place during the depression and the dust bowl.  The men in this story wanted so little.  They needed work to eat but they just wanted a small piece of land for themselves and their friends so they could make a life. Social Security would have been a life saver for them.  Even a COVID-19  stimulus check would have helped.  But that also brings another thought to my mind.  One of the reasons why I quit teaching was the indisputable comment from one of my students  “I do  not need to learn this because I am going to live on welfare like my parents and grandparents”.  Steinbeck also showed the lengths to which a friend would go to save another from torment.  What we need to figure out is how to help those who really need it.  Nothing is more important than that today.

Would like to ask for prayers for some people who attend Living Faith and other friends and family.  One of our members needed a kidney transplant.  Her own daughter was the donor.  What great love.  The surgery was this week.  Please keep this family in your prayers.  Another friend is in the hospital with COVID-19 and has serious underlying health problems.  Please keep him in your prayers.  The father of one of our members is on hospice.  Please keep that family in your prayers.  My niece’s husband just got a positive COVID-19 test this week.

The elephant on the keyboard.  Wednesday while at the store, I started getting text messages from two friends about what was happening at the Capital.  Asked what was happening as I do not have a TV at the store.  By now we all know what was happening.  It was a very sad day for America.  In most contests, there is a winner and a loser.  If we cannot handle the thought of losing, we should not enter the contest.  The apparel and the t shirts gave ample evidence of who was leading the attack.  There were those who deny that the Holocaust happened. There were those who believe only in “white rights” and more.  These people were called on to act to overturn the election results-the will of the nation.  I hope we never see anything like this again.

The Plymouth Village Board  met on Wednesday evening.  They are working on things to improve the Village including the engineering plan for the Square.  We need a plan in place so that all work done is done within a plan  and not piece meal projects which do not go together.  Work also continues on upgrades for the police car.  Our officer seems like a “really nice guy” who is interested in helping Plymouth.  After what happened in Augusta recently, the importance of police protection is very evident.

We all looked forward to a new year.  As we look back at 2020, there were so many problems.  2021 is only a little over a week old.  We have had an ice storm.  Many people were with out electricity for some time.  Many people are without water in McDonough county.  The nation has had an insurrection at our seat of government.   Sort of makes one wonder how 2021 is going to  turn out!

When I went to the antique store one day this week Cutie, one of the ferals,  was sitting in the heated water bowl.  Found this a bit strange until I realized the water bowl was empty and that he was just warming his feet.  That “he” is wishful thinking at this point as Cutie is just a kitten but oh so cute!

I have mentioned reading a devotion each morning.  Today’s reading was from Galatians 6.  It reads in part, “If anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing he deceives himself.  Each one should test his own actions.  A man reaps what he sows…  Let us do good to all people…”  We all have worth.  All the poor men in “Of Mice and Men” had worth.  Each of us needs to look at our actions and decide if they are for our benefit or for the good of the majority.  Let us do good for the most people and not just for our own selfish interests.  President Kennedy had it right when he said “Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country.”  Scatter Kindness.

Posted in Plymouth News