Plymouth Area News for the week of April 25th, 2016 by Joyce Steiner

Bob and Ginny Lawton have a new great grand baby which they shared on face book.  He is the son of Rob Lawton.
Tuesday I had .7 inches of rain in my gage.  It was most welcome and came gently so all used by plants and soil.
The pastor parish relations committee met on Monday evening.  Please keep Pastor Connie Jenkins in your prayers.  She and her husband were both pastors in the area.
Sam Meek introduced me to  vineing sweet potato plants so I now buy them every year to put in containers which need trailing vines.  Checked in Quincy because they were difficult to get last year.  They were and dollar cheaper at Menards than at Lowes.  Got quite a few of them but will probably need more.  They come in bright green and a reddish green.
As you know we collect soda cans for the community center.  I really want to thank all the people who put cans in the barrel in front of the antique store.  Took a caravan load to D&D metal recycling in Colchester on Wednesday.  The are paying 45 cents as is Alter in Quincy and Colchester is a lot closer.  Kevin Cook was working there.  Was good to see him again.
Was talking to Connie Fairchild this week and she noted that they currently cannot locate their 1941 Plymouth yearbook.  She asks that if any one has a 1941 year book that they would like to borrow it to scan it.  Give Connie a call if you can help her and Mary out with this project.
There was a band at Pop A Top on Saturday afternoon so I had musical entertainment while I worked at the antique store on Saturday.
Visited with Dot Burdett on Saturday evening.  If you are going to visit with her at Heartland, it is better to go earlier in the day.
Today was the Tennessee School Reunion.  It is held the last Sunday in April each year.  We had 20 present for the reunion.  It is held at Faith Fellowship Church in Tennessee.
Marlene Kimble was at church today.  Was really nice to see her again.  She is currently at the Golden Good Shepherd Home in Golden.  That is a very nice facility.
Had a rose on the alter at church celebrating the birth of a new baby in our congregation.  He is the grandson of Ryan and Becky Ramsey.  Congratulations.
The rain made the grass grow so everyone in the neighbor hood is mowing.  Also saw corn up just north of Bowen today.  Spring is a wonderful time of year.  It brings warmth and the hope for a new season both for plants and people.
Enjoy Spring.  Scatter kindness.
Posted in Plymouth News