Plymouth Area News for the week of January 7th, 2019 by Joyce Steiner


Our sympathy to the family and friends of Bruce Phelps who passed away on December 31st.  There are a lot of family members in our community.  Mary Lea Castlebury is a sister and Bev and Pat Phelps are sister-in laws.

John Bricker passed away on December 29th.  He was the owner of the  Bricker Auction Company near Bushnell.  Knew him and his wife well.  Kyle Kelso now uses his auction house for Kyle Kelso Auctions.  Our sympathy to the Bricker family.

On Tuesday, I drove to Keokuk to attend a New Year’s Day auction.  The parking lot was large but there was no place to park.  There was also no place to park next door.  I then drove back to Plymouth!

The regular Plymouth village board meeting was Wednesday evening.  There is a lot of discontent about the lack of police coverage in the village.  There is a push from the county to make ordinances in the county uniform.  I think this is a great idea.   It would  make law enforcement easier as rules would be consistent in the county.

There were six ladies present for Bible study on Thursday morning.  Mary Ruth Phillips was hostess.

Noticed that the electric eye on one of the street lights attached to the antique store was not working.  A check showed that it had been painted over and therefor light could not get in to shut off the lamp.  Found that the gas shut off at my home had also been painted over.  Talk about  thorough painting jobs!

Friday, a gentleman purchased a table from the Antiques Too Store.  A big thank you to the gentleman who helped my customer carry it out of the store.  It had to be lifted above some other furniture.  Thank You.

Saturday, I attended the Kyle Kelso Auction near Bushnell.  So did most everyone else in the State!  Difficult when they run three rings and you are only one person.  The prices were very strong.

Beginning on January 14th, Plymouth Rock Antiques will be open Tuesday through Saturday instead of Monday through Saturday.  It is very difficult for me to go to Quincy to stock the antique mall, get cars serviced etc. with only Sunday off.  Hope everyone understands.  I find it hard to make changes to something I have been doing for 37 years!  We will just have to see how it works out.

This is a New Year.  What we make of it is largely up to us.  Will we chose to be kind and helpful to others.  Will we attend church and then live to our best potential the rest of the week too.  Will we take responsibility for our auctions.  Will we step on others to elevate ourselves or will we stand together to raise all.  Will we use loud and hateful language to make our thoughts known or will we choose to listen to others so all our wishes can be heard.  Will we choose to help look out for our neighbors or will we chose  ignore the needs of everyone except ourselves.  Will we choose to be honest and trust worthy, or will we do whatever it takes to further our own interests.  Will we work together for the good of all or will we ignore the needs of those who may not share our skin color, sexual orientation, religion or political views.  Each of us must decide.  The fate of our lives, our village and our nation depend on us making the right decisions.

“Happy New Year” is a nice catch phrase but may we really work at making 2019 a good year for all.  May each of you find some peace and happiness in 2019.


Posted in Plymouth News