Plymouth Area News for the week of March 2nd, 2020, by Joyce Steiner


Saw in the paper that David Woodside had passed away on last Sunday.  That brought back many memories.  When I was growing up we lived on a small farm as did most every one I knew.  We bought our farm when I was about 6 as I recall but many of our friends were farmers who rented the ground and as such moved every few years.  My first memory of the families who lived on the “Post place” were the Chances, Bo and Carl who had three children if I remember correctly.  The second family I remember were the Woodsides, Erma and MV and their three sons David, Dale and Mike.  The third family I remember were the Argenbrights, Don and Catherine and their two sons, Kenneth and Loren.  My brother and I were always happy when the new families had children our ages.  All three of these families did.  That way of life is pretty well gone and most of the homes we lived in have since been torn down.  Farms are no longer 120 acres but are much larger so the population of this area has decreased a great deal.  I read that David rented his first farm at 16 and lived his life as a farmer.  I do not ever remember seeing so many people at a visitation as were there for his on Thursday evening.  His was in Rushville and there were literally hundreds there to pay their respect.  Our sympathy to his wife and family and friends.

Also noted that Connie Breeden passed away on Thursday.  Her visitation will be on Saturday, March 7th at 10 am at the PCCC followed by the funeral at 11 am.  John Henson and Rose Carle are siblings of Connie with John and his family living in Plymouth. Sorry to lose another person.

As you know by now, my phone died.  This has lead to many problems.  After four calls, I got email back on my phone but now my computer email is not working correctly.  If you read this news, I will have at least succeeded in writing it!

Monday I had an appointment for an oil change for my VW.  When I got up we had snow and so I cancelled and reset the appointment for Friday.  It was not snowing in Plymouth when I left for the appointment but by the time I got to Macomb, it was snowing very hard and there was about an inch on the ground there.  By the time the oil was changed, the snow had quit and it was soon gone.  Enough snow for this year!

Saturday the weather was much improved and I think people are eager to get out.  Had lots of shoppers at the antique store on Saturday.  Thanks to all.  On Sunday I got two calls to open so went up on Sunday also.  Very nice to be able to get out and enjoy the warmer weather.  May it continue.

Sullivan’s had an auction on Monday.  I bought a van load which included five boxes of cook books.  I noted on face book that I had just purchased a lot of church cook books and a lady said she would take them all-how many did I have.  I must have well over 100 in the store, maybe more.  Have not heard back from her.  I just love cook books from church ladies or those made up of old family recipes.

Hope spring is finally here.  Enjoy the weather.  Pray for all those who have lost loved ones.  Scatter Kindness.


Posted in Plymouth News