Plymouth Area News for the week of September 12th, 2016 by Joyce Steiner

As you know, I like to eat.  This week I had ribs at KD’s Coop on Sunday, chicken livers at the Buss Stop on Thursday and bar be que bacon pizza at the Brick Wall on Saturday.  A good week of eating in our community.  Thank you to the local people who keep these restaurants going in our small towns.  Please support them.
Have been thinking for a while that I need to start getting rid of a few things.  This week I gathered up quite a bit of scrap metal and took it to D&D in Colchester.  It is very convenient to do this.  The employees there help sort it and help get it out of your vehicle.  You even get a bit of money for cleaning up your property.
Also want to thank those who have been bringing aluminum cans to Plymouth Rock Antiques for the Community Center.  Every can helps bring in a bit of money for the Center.  That big barrel in front of the store is for cans.  Thank You.
It has been raining and the grass has been growing.  Have mowed several times this week but never get the whole yard done.  The grass is so thick that it comes out in clumps and continually clogs up the mower.  Nice to have rain but just for a while we could use some dry weather so that the corn and beans could dry out and the harvest  get under way in earnest.
The Village Board met on Wednesday evening.  The members are Mark Kelly, Cara Nanninga, Alex Ussery, Tony Miller, Dylan McCurdy and Wendi Mattson.  Chris Sanson is village president or mayor.  I realize as much as anyone what a thankless job this is.  People are often unhappy no matter what the Board tries to do for the village.  I often praise the Board for the hard work and unpopular decisions they have to make for the good of the village.  Wendi Mattson and Dylan McCurdy have been on a committee  to get the worst of the dilapidated  houses and buildings in our community torn down.   The Board decided that the two large houses on West Main were two of the worst in town and should be a priority for demolition.    Dylan called in favors from fellow contractors to get bids as low as possible for the demolition of the two houses, a barn and a trailer.  One property is now owned by the village and work had been done through the courts to get a 120 day window to tear down the rest.  Wendi read an article to the Board which showed that dilapidated buildings bring down the property values around them.  Dilapidated buildings in a town also make it difficult to get people to move into a community.  For what ever personal reasons, the majority of the Board once again voted not to tear down the buildings and to leave them as  dangerous eye sores for the village.  Wendi resigned from that committee after seeing months and months of work just “go down the drain”. 
On Thursday morning, Bible study started once again around my dining room table.  This study is lead by Pat Phelps and the title of this series is “The Lamb of God”.  Dixie Anderson, Carolyn Ussery, Pat Phelps, Bev Phelps, Mary Ruth Phillips, Mary Hohe, Dorothy Torok and Mimi Lawton joined Prince Harry and I.  These ladies plus others in Women’s Circle are very important for our community.  They, with the help of Don Ussery and others, keep the PCCC going for the good of the community.  Many family reunions, meetings, funeral dinners, funerals, music programs and more are held in the PCCC.
Had an interesting day at the store on Saturday.  Was called to open before 11 am.  Was there until after 6 pm.  Thanks to all who came and shopped.  Had dealers from Arthur as well as many others during the marathon day.  In between customers, I checked people into the B&B.  That is another story which we will save for a later day!  Thanks to all who came by Saturday!
Ran to Quincy today because Shop Ko had king sheets at an amazing price.  Had lunch with Mary Hohe and Tom Weinberg.
Hope you had a good week and that you enjoyed the beautiful weather days we had this week.  Scatter Kindness to those around you.
Posted in Plymouth News