We Are Community for the week of July 5th, 2021, by Joyce Steiner


Saw a very complete obit for Stanley Tucker in two newspapers.  It was at odds with what Shakespeare commented in one of his writings-…. “The good is often interred with their bones”.          Our sympathy to this family and friends.                                                                                                  Had a complaint from one of my humming birds this week.  I took the feeder down to clean it and change the food and had not put it up again.  The little guy flew twice to the place where it should have been hanging and circled around.  I took the hint and filled   the feeder and returned it to its proper place.  The humming bird almost immediately came to feed.  A rabbit has been sitting in my very small garden.  I have four and a half lots for it to sit in!  It ate off six egg plant plants.  Two tried to grow back from the stems.  The rabbit chomped every leaf off one and just dropped them on the ground.  I think that particular egg plant has just given up.  Currently I have five live plants with the three I replanted.  I love all birds and animals but there are plenty of weeds and grass to eat.  Speaking of animals, my gray masked friend got really brazen this week.  It came out in daylight to feast on my cat food as usual.  I won this round and he/she has taken up residence across the LaMoine River.  Notice I am feeding a lot less kitty food now!

Since some of the McDonough County newspapers no longer carry local news and obits, I have looked into and subscribed to the “ Community News Brief”.  It seems to carry lots of local news as well as obits, deed transfers and police reports and more.

Monday our Illinois Education Association Retired committee met to plan our meetings for the 21-22 year.  If you are a retired teacher, this is a good group of people and we have interesting programs and information.  We meet four times a year, sometimes in Macomb and sometimes in other places like Plymouth or Nauvoo.  We are going to try to meet on Mondays for lunch and a program or tour.  If you are interested, let me know and I will give you details.  The dues are ten dollars per year.

The B&B had some lovely guests this week.  Got a call in the afternoon wondering if I had a room available for an Amish driver and his wife.  I did.  They came about 10 pm in a full size tour bus.  Luckily I own a bus garage close to my home which has a security light near it.  They parked the bus there because none of my driveways were long enough to accommodate the bus.  The driver was a Pastor in the Mennonite Church and his wife accompanied him.  They were driving for an Amish family in our community who were having a family reunion.  They traveled Illinois, Missouri and Iowa to various family locations and said there were over 400 guests at some points.  The bus returned on Thursday evening.  Great people and great guests!

Plymouth was really lucky in the rain department.  My gage showed 1.3 in and 1.6 in while other communities had lots more.  My sump pump did not even run that I heard.

Went out buying one evening this week and got my van unloaded so that I could go to the Lowderman Auction on Thursday.  Got a really nice oak dresser with a large fancy mirror and some other smalls.  Most of that is still in my van but will have to get it out so that I can go stock up the antique mall booth soon.

I think Macomb has been having a gas war of sorts.  The gas prices are normally pretty consistent but then some stations dropped to 2.85.  On Thursday some stations were at 2.85 and one was at 3.29.  I was not the only person who noticed that it looked like prices were going up again because it seemed that everyone was filling up.

Got a notice this week that the bank in Plymouth would be closing permanently later this year.  Hope they find some way to sell it or keep it open as I use it almost daily to get change for the store or to make a deposit for the store.  Would really hate to see it close!

Today we celebrate the birthday of America.  I celebrated by putting photos of red, white and blue flowers on face book.  Hope to also go to the fireworks in Macomb as I am missing the Carthage celebrations due to waiting for B&B guests to arrive.

Hope you have a great week.  Hope you got to do something fun to celebrate the 4th.  Scatter Kindness.

Posted in Plymouth News